Monday, August 15, 2005

A Ho for the 'Mo

After Friday's mutual link-masturbation, a new friend writes in:

I have been a certified lurker on your blog all these many months.  I was wondering if you could take a peek at mine...maybe if you like what you see I could get a coveted spot on the Link List... (I was thinking hard trying to figure out what a 20-something 'mo from Indiana could do to grab your attention...I thought about renting a blimp [tres expensive, btw]  I finally decided I would just buck up and actually e-mail you.) Anyhoo, check me out at it would be mosdef doubleplussuperkickawesomeradness.  (Had to throw that in there for good measure)

And he uses my wordspeak! Hi, Matt! Thanks for the love! I love me 20-something 'mos, as I am a 20-something ho for the 'mos. Because ho and mo rhyme! Just like South Dakota and Minnesota. Did you know Mt. Rushmore is in the black mountain hills of Dakota, just like Rocky Raccoon?

See, friends? I do write back to emails, every so often. Sometimes. Kinda sorta. I promise!

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